More gaps observed across government aided primary schools in Masindi district.

Written by on September 23, 2022

More gaps observed across government aided primary schools in masindi district.

This was revealed during the breakfast meeting organised by action aid at D’venue hotel in masindi town on Wednesday, where district integrity promotion forum DIPF with support from action aid international gave a report on findings carried out in different government primary schools they visited in the district.
According to the findings, most schools have poor sanitation more especially latrines which are full and in some schools teachers share latrines with the learners.
The report also shows no clear tracking mechanism of absenteeism among teachers and learners leading to high drop out of learners in most primary schools in the district.

District integrity promotion forum (DIPF) said they also found out that most schools have dilapidated class rooms on top of limited inspection of schools by the education department of the district.
The district education officer masindi Kato Adolf confirmed the challenges however he said it’s the responsibility of all stake holders in the district to work together to improve the standard of schools in the district

The aggrieved sheik Swalehe Nkojo opens a new mosque.
Former Imam for Masijid Taqua Mosque, Sheik Swalehe Nkojo has opened up a new mosque along Parsse Street in masindi municipality.
The new mosque has been opened today in the presence of his fellow Muslims who have shifted from the old mosque to his new mosque.
The reopening of the new mosque follows the determination of sheik swalehe services at Masijid Taqua mosque by His eminence Mufti of Uganda sheik Shaban Ramathan Mubaje on 8th sept 2022 on allegations of impersonation and being indiscipline. His eminence Sheik Shaban Mubaje appointed sheik Majidu Tuhaise as his successor and renamed Masijid Taqua to Masijid Hidaya mosque.
While leading today’s Juma prayers at the newly opened Masijid Taqua, sheik Ibrahim Kizito Secretary for Dawa at Jamu- eyat Tabliq Dawa Kampala applauded his fellow Muslims in masindi district for standing with sheik Swalleho nkojo after his services were suspended by Muslim leadership. He however accused masindi Muslim community leadership for misleading his eminence sheik Shaban Ramathan Mubaje.

Sheik Nkojo told the gathering that his services were suspended due to some few top Muslim leaders who are against him by feeding his eminence sheik Shaban ramathan Mubaje wrong information. He promised to serve his people until the last minute.

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