Poor State of Roads Anger Gulu City Residents
Written by admin on February 17, 2022
Residents of Bardege-Layibi division in Gulu City have raised concerns about the poor state of roads in the area.
The roads have several potholes, drainage systems, narrow and have cut-off Laliya road which stretches from Gulu-Kitgum Highway to Fort Patiko, Airfield road which connects the area to the Gulu Airfield and Forth division army barracks, and Mother Ludia road.
The residents say that the roads have become accident spots for motorists and vehicles due to the dust especially during the dry seasons and mud during the rainy seasons.
Some of them have been in this current state for more than ten years since they were opened by the then Gulu Municipal Council yet they are key routes for businesses, health, and education.
The aggrieved residents in the areas argue that security has also abandoned motorized night patrols along the roads due to their conditions prompting insecurity and high rates of criminal activities as well as affected emergencies to health.
Simon Peter Otema, resident of Keyi ‘’A’’ Cell says that their constant plight to the then Gulu Municipal Council and Gulu City Council to repair their roads has been futile.
Otema disclosed that together with other aggrieved residents of the area they presented a petition to Patrick Oola Lumumba, the Mayor for Bardege-Layibi Division demanding that the roads be repaired within one month`s time lest they block them in protest.
Patrick Nyero, another resident noted that the poor state of the roads has not only caused insecurity and accidents but undermined developments in the areas.
Caro Aber Tebere, notes that the roads need to be upgraded and tarmacked to avoid being damaged within short periods.
On Wednesday, Patrick Oola Lumumba, the Mayor Bardege-Layibi division who admitted receipt of the petition letter and poor state of the roads held a meeting with the aggrieved residents and disclosed that they have earmarked part of the Shillings 206 million under the DDEG grant to rehabilitate the roads.
Sunday Oola, the Gulu City Engineer, said that the road works are expected to start in March with enlargement, creation of water runway, labeling, and compacting using first-class marram.